Loud ramblings of a Software Artisan

Friday 30 December 2005

gtkam 0.13.1 "It is still ex-Mas"

gtkam 0.13.1 "It is still ex-Mas" has been released today.

Gtkam is a GTK frontend for libgphoto2.

This release brings various bug fixes. I really hope somebody would give this program more love.

Thursday 29 December 2005

gphotofs or the reverse use case.

We have had users complain that they couldn't use their "USB Mass Storage" camera using a libgphoto2 client, and we finally implemented support of these using the disk: driver. Philip Langdale have been having the opposite use case: using a non Mass Storage camera using a file manager.

This is how gphotofs is born. gphotofs is a FUSE file system, ie a user space filesystem using libgphoto2. The code has reached gphoto CVS.

More about this later.

Monday 26 December 2005

Boxing Day Sales: libgphoto2 2.1.99

libgphoto2 2.1.99 has been release today on Boxing Day. It is the first pre-release of the upcoming 2.2.

This release is for testing purpose.

Beside the numerous bug fixes and new camera support, the major feature is the support of cameras mounted as filesystems (works better if you have libhal) that I have already described, as well as better handling of the in memory caching (by Marcus).

The tarballs are available on Sourceforge as usual.