Guadec 2014 Volunteers

I was at Guadec in Strasbourg - thanks to all the volunteers who helped making this event possible.. For those who don't know Guadec is the annual Gnome User And Developer European Conference. I hadn't attended since 2008 — such is life — but I reconnected with people I hadn't seen in a while, as well as met awesome people that joined the project since. Attending this year made me regain a lot of motivation on why a Free Software desktop and why Gnome are really necessary. This is even more important as to why at Mozilla I use Fedora Linux rather than MacOS X like most of my team mates —*hint* at least on Fedora I don't have code signing break existing apps, and I have a real full screen browser to use to do presentation based on web technologies or even the risk that one day third party browser be barred like they are on iOS — and it is important to keep the alternatives alive. And Matthew Garrett gave us, during his keynote, good arguments on the importance of a Free Software desktop designed with users in mind.

I'll defintely try to figure out how I can make it to Göteborg, Sweden next year ; this year was facilitated by having a work week in Paris just before Guadec. Maybe I'll even present something as I resumed working on my projects.