I ran into a limitation of Glibmm while using std::for_each() with boost::bind() and Glib::RefPtr<>.

boost::bind() works well with any of the Boost.SmartPointer, or with raw pointers, but not with Glib::RefPtr<> as it lack the get_pointer() function.

I tried to do this:

Glib::RefPtr<Foo> foo;
std::vector<Bar> v;
/* ...initialize foo and v */
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), 
	boost::bind( &Foo::do_something_with_bar, foo, _1 );

But it failed to compile as I was missing the function below.

namespace Glib {
/** Dereference Glib::RefPtr<> for use in boost::bind */
template< class T_CppObject >
T_CppObject *get_pointer(const Glib::RefPtr< T_CppObject >& p)
	return p.operator->();

Some explanations: the function is templated to work with any instance of Glib::RefPtr<>. It is in the the Glib namespace, and will be looked up naturally by the Koenig lookup which in principle allow looking the function up in the same namespace that the argument is in. It uses this ugly operator->() member call because there is no other way to get the raw pointer from the Glib::RefPtr<>, but this is an implementation detail.

Filed bug 495762. Adding it to Glibmm will not break the ABI as it is not a method, and it is a template function, hence instantiated locally. Maybe it could be maybe inline.

The above code is either under the same license governing Glibmm which is LGPLv2+.