Loud ramblings of a Software Artisan

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Status update, August 2017


In March I joined the team at eyeo GmbH, the company behind Adblock Plus, as a core developer. Among other things I'm improving the filtering capabilities.

While they are based in Cologne, Germany, I'm still working remotely from Montréal.

It is great to help making the web more user centric.

Personal project:

I started working again on Niepce, currently implementing the file import. I also started to rewrite the back-end in Rust. The long term is to move completely to Rust, this will happen in parallel with feature implementation.

This and other satellite projects are part of my great plan I have for digital photography on Linux with GNOME.

'til next time.

Saturday 17 December 2016

So, I'm looking for a job

I decided a while ago to avoid personal posts here with my loud ramblings, because they en up being pointless. I'll make an exception now and bring in a little life issue that is a little bit sudden.

I'm looking for a job, in snowy Montréal (I can do remote too).

If you are looking for an experienced developer to join your team, I can be that person. Even for a limited time, I'm ready to start as soon as you are.

My résumé

And may you have happy holidays.

Wednesday 2 January 2013


It is the new year. We have a tendency to put artificial starting points in time to want to (start to) do things, something like the "new year resolutions". I don't really abide to that because I believe you should do things when you want to, have to or can. You don't need a January 1st or some sort. This year it happens that the new year almost coincide with my timeline. Two weeks into the new house in Montréal, this mean that for once I can use that as the starting point ; or not.


Happy new year, and remember, be excellent to each other !

Thursday 8 September 2011

Vacation time

The Frenchman waiting for the perfect wave...
(picture by somecanuckchick)

Today I took surf lessons with the Surf Sister in Tofino, BC. It was fun, I would do it again, but I'm sore, proof that I really need to get my ass off and get in better physical shape.

Monday 8 August 2011


Yesterday, I sent an email to Shoppers Drug Mart, a large pharmacy retail chain here in Canada. My complain was solely that they sell cigarettes (in British Columbia). Yes you read it right a pharmacy sell cigarettes. Does that shock you? It does shock me.

I was expecting either no reply at all, or some boiler plate reply, but I think they really exceeded my expectations in term of BullC.

Here is the reply, verbatim:

Hello Hubert,

Thank you for writing to us. The entire philosophy of our company is based on the understanding of care and concern for all of our customers. Our promise is to provide superior customer satisfaction beyond expectation. Shoppers Drug Mart receives a tremendous amount of advice from a wide spectrum of advocates, each with their own value systems, about the many products that a drug store sells. Their assumption is that consumers need to be protected from themselves. Shoppers Drug Mart's position is that it will not allow itself to become the cultural or moral censor for any legal product. The fact that we sell a product does not constitute any endorsement on our part of that product.

One of the great underlying perils of merchandising and retailing, regardless of diligent testing for possible hidden, offensive, or unintended messages, it may be interpreted that a product is unsuitable for the general public. To refuse to sell a product that one takes issue with would clearly be a form of censorship on our part which is a position we will not take.

Tobacco is typically displayed behind the counter, so it is not accessible to children. We hope that you can appreciate our position as a responsible retailer, which is to offer a wide variety of products and services to the many customers we serve.

Thank you for your feedback. We will continue to monitor your concern and make any necessary adjustments.

Regards, Amber Shoppers Drug Mart / Pharmaprix Customer Service

That's right, you read it well. They consider banning the sale of cigarettes a form of censorship, and they hide themselves behind the legality of the product. At least I would have taken "we do it for the money" as a valid reason. But censorship?

Friday 2 April 2010

March 33rd

March 32nd is over. The usual activities can now resume.

Saturday 20 March 2010

A day in life

up, coffee, drilling, cleaning, emailing, phoning, reading riot act, showering, walking, reading riot act more nicely in person, book shopping, clothes shopping for teh lady, caffeination, shutterbugging, getting shaved, back home, watching the leafs winning *cries*, groceries, dining, blogging.

and it is spring !

Monday 17 August 2009

Moved !

If you read this, then this blog has finally moved. Let's hope it is faster now.

Tuesday 7 July 2009


Nothing is better to prevent me from posting something than the laptop that decide to switch itself off when I delicately lift it to move downstairs. I had the feeling I had to save the post. It will have to wait.

Friday 3 July 2009

Half a decade

Half a decade ago I landed in Canada. Not sure what happened since, but that's surely 5 years.

Wednesday 6 May 2009


Sometime the shit hit the fan. Good thing I have the EEE PC. The bad thing is that I might be slow replying to email as I dont have a mail client here, nor do I have my ssh key.

Update: wow this post has the number 666.

Monday 9 February 2009

The good, the bad and the ugly

I'll do them in reverse order.

  • The ugly is that I got downsized. I won't comment on what I read on the Internet when the CEO talks about acquisition, but then lay off his own people.
  • The bad is that I only have an aging laptop left with keys that don't work like arrows and return. See above if you plan to suggest I buy a new one.
  • The good is that I'll have more time for my projects. See the second item to see if that will really be productive. Can't be that bad.

Sunday 9 November 2008

Murphy's Law

Nonwithstanding that it was the 3rd hard drive to die in a month, when I went to buy a new one, the car broke down on the return. And by broke down I mean the gear got stuck in 2nd. Fortunately it is a stick and I could safely stop the car to get it towed by the roadside assistance. I'll know more Monday when the dealership is actually open: the car is still under warranty.

Since you can read this, that means the hard drive is back in and he machine back up.

Tuesday 1 April 2008

April's Fool... NOT

Using Cheese, here is a shot of my forehead after a trip to the ER.

Funny... NOT!

Wednesday 19 December 2007


I'm on vacation until new year. That does not mean I'll be un reachable, but just that I have a lot of copious spare time.

Maybe I'll have time to push some new release for exempi, libopenraw and hack on my pet project.