Loud ramblings of a Software Artisan

Monday 28 April 2008

exempi 2.0.1

Just released a bug fix version of exempi. Version 2.0.1 address issues with error handling and some building issues on non-Linux systems.

This is likely to be the last 2.0.x release. 2.1.0 is on its way.

Monday 21 April 2008


Just because I won't be at LGM 2008 to show this in a corner, here is a teaser screenshot:

It is still pretty much a work in progress, and is not actually up to the point where I can use it. Some keywords: XMP, digital camera RAW, non-destructive, asset management, GNOME, C++

Tuesday 1 April 2008

exempi 2.0.0

I finally released exempi 2.0.0 The changes from previous versions are only for endian detection (I let autoconf do it) and some missing includes.

Now I'll branch, keep the 2.0 branch for eventual fixes, and master will stick for 2.1.

April's Fool... NOT

Using Cheese, here is a shot of my forehead after a trip to the ER.

Funny... NOT!