I had to do a test roll for an AE-1 camera I bought used recently. So I went to the local grocery store that has a 1h lab, got a film and shot around the parking lot to have it processed there. Actually pictures turned okay (for something I took 5 minute to shoot), that show that I can still do things with very little inspiration. Given that I haven't ever been a fan of 1hour photo labs, I must admit that I'm surprised how quick it is to process: 10 minutes to process the roll (C-41 color negative) and 5 minutes to print (automatic settings) on a Noritsu minilab. Probably not the most optimal results, but with proper setting these machines output good quality prints without much effort.

The camera was an Canon AE-1 with a 50mm Macro f3.5 FD.

I scanned a couple of frames. It is not exactly how the print looks, but it is pretty close, and I like it that way. Given that it is negative, it is always subject to interpretation, both scan-wise or print-wise.

And xsane needs sone UI love, seriously.